ECNP 2017


ECNP 2017

30ème Congrès Européen de Neuropsychopharmacologie 2017 (ECNP 2017)

Nous sommes impatients de partager avec vous les nombreux sujets abordés lors du congrès ECNP 2017. Nos correspondants médicaux vous informent des dernières publications et innovations en santé, mentionnées durant le congrès.

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The information on this site is exclusively intented for health care professionals.
All the information included in the Website is related to products of the local market and, therefore, directed to health professionals legally authorized to prescribe or dispense medications with professional practice. The technical information of the drugs is provided merely informative, being the responsibility of the professionals authorized to prescribe drugs and decide, in each concrete case, the most appropriate treatment to the needs of the patient.
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